What To Know About Oh Soup!
Oh Soup! has been a slow simmer on my mind and in my kitchen for years.
Souping for friends and neighbors started innocently enough - just a friendly neighborly thing to do. The goodness flowed, the word spread, and Oh soup! ventured beyond the hood.
Soup Is Love
I’ve been cooking for a vegetarian “kid” for better than a decade. I quickly realized the vegetarian “grab-n-go” offerings are rubbish, especially the soups. The taste, ingredients and preparation are substandard & we set out to make something better.
Higher Standards
I soup while my husband bakes. His sourdough creation is a local legend. We love being able to provide souls and stomachs a warm, scrumptious bowl of healthy comfort, coupled with an Oh Soup!-worthy bread.
Fueling The Soul
Our philosophy of giving has been tested and refined through a pandemic (not in the original business plan). But with or without pandemics, people continue to have babies, get sick, feel lost, have surgery, and simply get hungry for an all-natural, bowl of goodness.
Oh Soup! is a bowl of love filled with fresh, natural ingredients, prepared one all-scratch batch at a time. I would love to soup for you.
Bridget (and Jim)